It's Not About Me, It's About You...
Hey, thanks for stopping by. I'm Robby Miles, and I want to help you streamline your business.
You probably know the feeling of being overwhelmed with too much on your plate. Or maybe you think you're too busy or tired to be present because there's just one more thing you need to check off before the work is done.
If you’re like many of the people I've worked with, you’ve experienced too many nights laying in bed wondering if there is an easier way to manage your business so you can focus on doing the work you love.
Constant deadlines, busyness, and distractions keep us from focusing on what will move the business forward if, heaven forbid, something happened to us and we weren't able to work. That's why I share simple, practical strategies and systems you can use right away to meet your deadlines early, claim victory over distraction, create focus, and automate your business for the long game.
If you're ready to work ON your business not IN your business, you’re in the right place.
My goal is to help busy online entrepreneurs free up time to work ON their business not IN their business as they scale beyond one million dollars.
A Little About Me:
I’m married with five kids (plus one more on the way), and they keep me pretty busy (in a good way). But my family is the reason I do what I do, and why I focus on productivity and systems that work in the real world.
I've been too busy before...
When I was in graduate school, I worked full time and our second son was a newborn.
When I was teaching Advanced Placement courses at one of the top-ranked high schools in the US, I joined the Army National Guard and went through Officer Candidate School eventually becoming an Executive Officer for a logistics company. This is when my daughters were born.
And while I was doing all those things I was running an online business helping busy entrepreneurs manage operations, automate sales, and provide better customer experience. When I started doing this full time my third son was born.
Tight schedules and deadlines have always been a part of life and are a part of any business. But, that’s where planning and systems come into play.
Many business owners have a vision, but lack the desire to get into the nitty-gritty details and manage unwieldy projects. That’s where I thrive. I’ve helped several business owners go from frantic and barely meeting deadlines, to finally being ahead of schedule with a clear game plan.
I want that same freedom for you.
So, subscribe for updates, and I'll help you live up to the expectations you set for yourself as a business owner and create systems to keep you going until you can hire an operations manager.
P.S. This site wouldn't be complete without me sharing photos of my incredible family. What can I say...I'm a proud dad. My wife Tara and I live in beautiful North Idaho with our three sons and two daughters.