
One of the best ways to make progress in your creator business is to test everything and double down on what works.

But there is one important thing about testing that makes all the difference. More on this after a quick story.

Picture this…

It’s 2019 and you’re sitting in the audience at Jeff Walker’s LaunchCon.

You’re surrounded by hundreds of other business owners who are launching their products, starting memberships, and just seem to be crushing it.

Stu Mclaren comes on stage and gives a high energy talk all about how he just completed a $5.2ish million dollar launch (just a hair bigger than Jeff’s).

He keeps the audience captivated with story after story. You learn about how he wooed his wife, how he uses pre-launch content, and how he starts planning his next launch almost a year and a half before it begins.

But one little nugget he shares goes unnoticed by most of the audience.

Stu shares the details of a split-test they ran during his last launch.

One landing page

  • Has a big picture of Stu
  • It goes into great detail about EVERYTHING that’s included and what you’ll learn when you enter your email address
  • Testimonials
  • A place to enter your email address

The second landing page has:

  • A big picture of Stu,
  • The title of the download
  • A place to enter your email address

Which landing page do you think performed better? The one that “sold” the free download, or the stripped down version?

When Stu polled the audience, nearly 80% placed their bets on the first extended landing page.

In reality…the second one out-performed the first getting nearly 70% MORE leads.

The big lesson Stu secretly taught us all about testing is that we need to test without judgement but with attention.

We can test nearly anything in our marketing and operations, but we need to follow wherever the data leads us.

Don’t be connected to a specific outcome.

Learn what works.


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About the Author

Robby helps busy business owners simplify and automate their productivity systems so they have more time to focus on what they're best at. He helps you design and implement plans and systems so you can work ON your business, not IN your business. Companies such as Productive Magazine, Nozbe, Matt McWilliams, and Notable Themes have trusted Robby to share his productivity systems, increase sales, and create a better customer experience.