Org Chart v Accountability Chart

Here’s what you’ll learn this week:

  • Practical lesson – Org Chart v. Accountability Chart
  • Reader question – Best Pop-up Tool For WordPress?

Get ready to take action.


You’ve probably seen an org chart before. It tells you what the jobs are within a company and who reports to who.

In the book Traction, we’re presented with the accountability chart.

At first is seems very similar to the org chart, but after digging in you’ll se they are very different.

The main difference is that the accountability chart is based on the needed roles within a company and not just the job titles.

One person may fill multiple roles on the accountability chart, but still have only a single spot in the org chart.

To use an Army example, let’s say Sergeant Smith is a motor sergeant in charge of a squad of mechanics.

In the org chart he is in the maintenance section under Sergeant First Class Jones (his boss).

But let’s say, Sergeant Smith has an additional duty of being the safety officer and in that role reports directly to Lieutenant Davis.

On an accountability chart Sergeant Smith’s roles would be separated out into different boxes and he would fill the role of both the motor sergeant and the safety officer with his name in those boxes.

Each role would then be subordinate to the proper leader (Jones or Davis).

The accountability chart does exactly what it says…

It holds people accountable for outcomes not job titles.

Developing an accountability chart for your business creates clarity about the roles in your company that need to be filled.

One person can fill multiple roles on a team, but as your business grows you’ll know exactly what outcomes to hire for because each business outcome is tied to a specific accountable role in your organization.


What’s the best pop-up lead capture tool for my WordPress site?

Pop-ups can be a great way to convert readers into subscribers. That said, you need to be careful.

Yes, there are ways to use pop-ups without being obnoxious or ruining your site’s experience.

So what’s best?

I put together a page for you comparing some of the most widely used tools:

Click Here To See What Pop-Up Tool Is Best For Your Site

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Here’s to taking action!

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About the Author

Robby helps busy business owners simplify and automate their productivity systems so they have more time to focus on what they're best at. He helps you design and implement plans and systems so you can work ON your business, not IN your business. Companies such as Productive Magazine, Nozbe, Matt McWilliams, and Notable Themes have trusted Robby to share his productivity systems, increase sales, and create a better customer experience.